Saturday, May 9, 2009

Being Realistic

Lets face facts, its not all good times. As much as we'd like to just shout down the opposition and be an asshole, it just isn't practical. The last few posts here made it sound like I just go around saying whatever to whoever and fuck the consequences. That couldn't be further from the truth.

Not to contradict myself, but there is an appropriate time to shut up. It isn't admitting you're wrong, its knowing you can't win. I would love everything to be in black and white. To be a Vulcan or something(how topical!). To only see things as logical or illogical. It'd be great until pon farr, at which point I'd have to kill all of you. Mates are hard to come by these days...

Anyway, case in point, whores hate to be called whores. Besides a dick shortage, there is nothing they hate more(Easy joke and pun. I'm on the phone with the producers of Two and a Half Men. They want me to come in). But they're the least introspective people you'll meet. After all, the shame of realizing who they truly are would crush their infected little souls. You could argue that they're just in denial but that means they're ignorant which goes hand in hand with stupidity. If you were drunk and angry and called a walking herpes sore a whore, she'd be livid. She would lose her mind on you. Who would ever accept that? You can't make an incendiary statement like that and not expect a terrible reaction. So when she starts yelling, just be happy you made her mad. You aren't going to convince her you're right.

Don't think I mean its a good idea to live your life pissing people off. I know a guy who thinks that's his purpose. He sucks in ways you can't imagine, hes disgusting in every way, but good luck convincing him of that.

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