Thursday, May 7, 2009

Never Shutting Up

Part of being preachy is knowing that you should never shut up no matter what. Always have the last word. Remember, its not about never admitting you're wrong, its about never being wrong. There is a massive difference.

Sure, maybe you yelled a lot. Maybe you were a huge asshole in a situation that didn't call for it in the least bit. But did you get your point across? Yes you did.

Sometimes its a knee jerk reaction, much like I discussed in yesterdays post.

I was never a good student in choir because, well, why bother? In fact, I failed it on three occasions. Before all the failures was an ill fated run at bass section leader. This is when I decided I needed an impressive college application with a lot of impressive activities and titles(Total colleges applied to: 0). All the title really meant was taking attendance at concerts. Why wouldn't I want that? My main competition was...everyone. Including eventual winner and current roommate Krause. But there was another kid who(m)(?) I hated with a passion. His name was Jeff and in the unlikely event that he reads this, I still do. He was just as ready to run as I was.

So when a paper goes around for people to nominate themselves, Jeff turns to me and says "Hey Mike, vote for me for section leader?'

His mouth didn't close before I looked him straight in the face and said "Go to hell, Jeff."

He didn't think that was funny at all.

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