Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Look at me, writing another blog for no one to read. This is what, my third one? Potentially fourth? Does anyone even know anymore, and more importantly, does anyone even care.

Well, regardless, here I am again. We had some good times before and damnit, why not again? Grief Digestion Theater was a good idea that had some really good days. And when I say days I'm not referring to a period(David Ortiz has his best days behind him), I'm speaking of about four specific days out of close to 100. We suffered from over expansion, not unlike the NHL. Too many writers with too many themes and when all your readers become your writing staff you're kind of heading down a bad path.

The idea was that the new people writing would tell their friends that I don't talk to and get the word out. That didn't happen at all and no one was all that motivated to write for themselves, me included.

So this is different. Consider the things I do well, its all of that written down. This is my life and opinions written in a way that makes them as funny as possible. Maybe serious from time to time, but thats where the preachy cunt part comes in. A lot of what I say is pretty heavy handed, and this blogs title is me acknowledging that.

As far as stories go, let me tell you why this isn't a podcast. Sometimes I drink excessively, and during one of those times I tried to record a podcast. It had a lot of topical and sage advice, such as to stop sending people naked pictures of yourself on your cellphone because, as it turns out, someone else might see them. Its an especially poor idea if you're 16 and everyone who had it sent to them might be arrested once the cops get involved. Anyway, as I'm saying these things, the headset becomes disconnected. I tried to plug it back in and then the computer froze.

I did the reasonable thing and spiked my headset into a pile of blocks. I happened to be living in a basement at the time. I think its still usable, one headphone is missing and there are some exposed wires. It'll come back soon enough, I'll buy some bandwith and you'll be able to hear my stammering and sentences that trail off.

But this blog is going to be different. Its more honest, its more original. Things won't feel as forced and hopefully I can get people on board. Also, the color isn't nearly as ugly. We're going barebones as possible.

I don't know how regularly this will be updated(I feel like I've written that in 10 mission statement posts on infinite blogs) but I have a solution for those who can't be bothered to read a whole post.


Please go there. Follow it.

I was on the fence for a while about Twitter. I hate that it was basically made as popular as it is by Ashton Kutcher but fuck it. Its 2009, no one has the attention span for 1000 words. 140 characters or less. There you go.

More tomorrow.

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