Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I have a tendency to forget exactly where I am from time to time. You get used to saying things a certain way, no matter how ridiculous, and it bites you in the ass. I think what happens to me is different than the kid who keeps screaming "FUCK!" in English class and then apologizes by saying "I can't help it". That's obviously not true. You responded to something the teacher said with "That's fucking stupid."

My issue is that I say really vulgar things about really mundane events("The cunting Wheaties are gone") so when I was in the grocery store the other day and learned that 100% cranberry juice is never 100% cranberry juice but a blend I said "Well then fuck everybody." and I saw a lady look at me like she hoped I die. I had the audacity, the sheer gall, to wonder what her problem was until I realized what I said makes little sense and is completely inappropriate in the context of the situation. Everybody includes her, so maybe not fuck everybody. That lady has nothing to do with the cranberry juice industry. Unless she does, which justifies her reaction. Fair play to her.

In other grocery news; kids, never move out. That can't possibly be a proper use of a semicolon but a comma just didn't feel right. Grammar was never my strong suit. Anyway, everything is expensive in ways I never imagined. You run into outrageous incidental costs such as needing a can opener. $6 you could have spent on heroin.

I'm still trying to get a feel for exactly what I want to do here, I think this was a nice test run. A soft open.

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